Weight loss medication can be scary - you don't have to do it alone

If you are starting GLP-1 medication but fear its side effects and don’t fully know what to do to be successful

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Start with the right foot

Make the most of your GLP-1 investment with the professional support of our team of Registered Dietitians.

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More about our Programs

Consultations are 50 minutes long with the exception of our last wrapping session

Registered dietitians are board-certified experts in food and nutrition

Our appointments are individual and fully focused on YOU

Sessions are remote and you can use your computer or smartphone to join

More about GLP-1on-1 Programs

Get the best out of your GLP-1 treatment with professional guidance from our team of HealthiCare Registered Dietitians.

Starting GLP-1

You have been prescribed GLP-1 or have been advised by a doctor that this might be suitable for you, but you are still unsure about it, how the treatment is, and what side effects to expect. This pack of 6 sessions with our team of Registered Dietitians is to get you ready for it and make sure you make the most out of it.

6 sessions of 25 minutes each:

Taking GLP-1

Your treatment is in progress, and you believe you can benefit from having professional support. You suffer from side-effects and believe you could.

6 sessions of 25 minutes each:

Tapering GLP-1

Weaning a medication can be just as challenging as starting it - you want to make sure that you'll keep the benefits of it while off the medication and that you'll be able to deal with possible side effects. Count on our team to make this process as smooth and healthy as possible.

6 sessions of 25 minutes each:

GLP-1 medication without proper care is a waste of money - and a risk!

"'Studies demonstrate that a GLP-1 agonist along with a diet and exercise program will result in up to 15% body weight loss,' says Jason Balette, M.D., a bariatric surgeon at Memorial Hermann in Houston, Texas."
Font: Forbes Health

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Why GLP 1-ON-1?

GLP 1-ON-1 is a HealthiCare program focused specifically on Healthi users who are on GLP-1 medication. Our team is made of Registered Dietitians who are already familiar with the routine of a Healthi member and the challenges of going through a GLP-1 treatment.

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What is the difference between a RD and a Nutritionist?

The terms "Registered Dietitian" (RD) and "nutritionist" are often INCORRECTLY used interchangeably, but there are key distinctions between the two.

A Registered Dietitian (RD) is a regulated and trained healthcare professional who has completed specific educational and professional requirements. To become an RD, one must earn a bachelor's degree in nutrition or a related field, complete a supervised 1,000 hour internship program, and pass a national examination. RDs are trained to provide evidence-based nutritional advice and guidance to individuals and groups.

On the other hand, the term "nutritionist" is not regulated in the United States. In some cases, individuals can refer to themselves as nutritionists without having formal education or specific qualifications. This means that the title "nutritionist" does not guarantee a standardized level of education or professional practice.

In summary, a Registered Dietitian is a regulated healthcare professional with specific education, training, and licensure requirements, whereas the term "nutritionist" does not carry any level of regulation or standardized qualifications.

What can Members expects from HealthiCare?

HealthiCare is a groundbreaking service that brings a whole new level of personalized care to your health and weight loss journey. We've designed this program to pair you with a dedicated Registered Dietitian, providing you with exceptional guidance at an affordable cost. For just $85 per month, you'll have the opportunity to connect with your Registered Dietitian not once, but twice a month. And the support doesn't stop there – you can also chat with your dietitian in between sessions whenever you need.

At Healthi, our mission is to help people improve their health without allowing cost to stand in the way. While private practice can charge upwards of $300 per month for this level of care, HealthiCare offers it for as little as $85 per month. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality care, and we're here to make it happen.

What are some reasons why someone would need to use a RD?

We all know how easy it is to get stuck in those pesky ruts, or even struggle with where to start. Whether it's about managing our weight or tackling other challenges we need professional help and the benefits of a consultation. That's where Healthi’s Registered Dietitians come in. Armed with a wealth of knowledge about nutrition and health, we've also got education and experience in human behavior and counseling, so we know how to break down those motivational barriers and provide the expert guidance one may need.

Honestly, it's the coaching and counseling aspect that often makes the biggest impact. We're here to be your cheerleader and your coach, helping you navigate through the ups and downs of your journey. As dietitians, we're highly trained to guide you in taking charge of conditions like diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, hypertension, and many more. 

Still have questions? Email us at liz@healthiapp.com