My name is Jerylan but everyone calls me Jeri. I worked at Weight Watchers for 15 years before all the changes were made. From my highest weight to my lowest is about 32 pounds and I have maintained my weight for 17 years. I spent years lamenting over gaining and losing the same 25 pounds. I found that all programs work as long as you are willing to make lifestyle changes. I am a borderline Type 2 diabetic and able to stay off medication by continuing to live a healthy lifestyle. My son was diagnosed with Type 1 when he was 6 years old so as a family we are conscience of the food we eat. Tracking, weighing, measuring and open to trying new foods is key to maintenance. I love the Healthi community for all the support that is offered to the members.
My main exercise is walking in the water.
Second Metrics
I learned that there is a plan for everyone. Offering the six plans gives options that are not available with other apps.