Tracking Hacks with Brianna

Hi all! Brianna (@diveandthedivine) here! If you’re part of the Healthi family, then odds are you know there is value in tracking what you eat, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. However, just because we know something is good for us...
Tracking Hacks with Brianna

Tracking Hacks with Brianna

Hi all! Brianna (@diveandthedivine) here! If you’re part of the Healthi family, then odds are you know there is value in tracking what you eat, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. However, just because we know something is good for us...
DIY Fall Coffee House Favorites

DIY Fall Coffee House Favorites

DIY Fall Coffee House Favorites As I am writing this, the first day of Fall is upon us. As we embrace the arrival of fall, many coffee shops are rolling out their seasonal menus, featuring the beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte. If you’re like me and enjoy these...
Taking Advantage of Creative Condiments

Taking Advantage of Creative Condiments

Hi all! Coach Jeri here!    Has anyone else noticed all the new flavors in peanut butter, jams, hummus, and sauces? When I was growing up there was plain old peanut butter, grape jelly (and no mention of hummus, avocado or salsa). I consider this example a...